BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2012 Developer's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

Configuring the Task Server

Before you can use either of the email task extension samples, one of them must be registered on the computer running the Task Server. To prepare the Task Server, follow these steps:

  1. If it has not yet been installed, install the Task Server as described in the Meridian Enterprise Administrator’s Guide.
  2. Decide which of the email task extensions to install depending on the operating system of the computer running the Task Server. If you want to use CDONTS, copy AMEmail.dll to the Task Server computer. If you want to use CDOSYS, copy AMEmail2.dll to the Task Server computer.
  3. Register the .DLL file with regsvr32.exe.

Task Server preparation is complete.

Note    Both of the email task extensions require a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server be installed on the Task Server computer to handle mail delivery. The SMTP server must be configured to interface with your organization’s email system.

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